বসন্ত নিয়ে চ্যাটজিপিটি’র কবিতা

বসন্ত নিয়ে চ্যাটজিপিটি’র কবিতা

In fields where frost once claimed its throne,
Now blooms the splendor Spring has sown.
A tapestry of colors bright,
In dawn's embrace, a wondrous sight.

The earth awakes from slumber deep,
As whispers of new life do creep.
From barren branches, buds arise,
And paint the world 'neath azure skies.

The melody of birdsong sweet,
In gentle breezes, dances meet.
Each petal opens to the sun,
A symphony of life begun.

Emerald leaves unfurl with grace,
As nature finds its sacred place.
The rivers flow with joyful song,
As winter's grip at last is gone.

The scent of blossoms fills the air,
A fragrant ode to love laid bare.
In every corner, life's reborn,
In Spring's embrace, all hearts adorn.

So let us revel in this hour,
In Spring's abundant, blooming bower.
For in its warmth, we find our worth,
And cherish all the earth gives birth.